View Full Version : Irrelavancy of Supremes

07-05-2005, 02:17 PM
The Supremes are 9 people out of 295 million, who can run smack until they literally drop dead. The founding fathers were revolutionaries, they would spit at reactionaries like Bork, Rehnquist, and Thomas. The founding fathers had no way of knowing the lifespan might increase from 40yrs. to 70 yrs. within a few generations. The founding fathers did not look back to old documents , 200 yrs. old, and try to fathom "original intent', like Bork, Thomas and Rhenquist.
The Constitution is a living, breathing document. The first words of the Constitution ARE NOT God said so and so, the first words are , WE THE PEOPLE! Imperfect men of goodwill created a framework in which the superstition of religion would finally have to carry it's own weight, without official governmental support.
As to abortion, technology has outstripped the busybodies who bore themselves and must stick Mr. Nose in someone else's business in order to feel alive. Of course, the rich folk will travel for abortions, or acquire the right drugs, and get what they want. The poor folk will be forced to carry babies to term, at which point the Mr. Nose people will whine about "minorities and the underclass" using up tax dollars that could be better spent on weapons and new chemicals to make the grass look greener!
As for marijuana, I will make two brief points:
1. The subtext of all anti-marijuana messages is, it will eventually lead to the downfall of civilization. Other nations are legalizing it, and so far they have less crime than the US, longer life spans, better access to health care, etc. Europe is not failing, despite what FoxNews may be telling you.
2. The War on Drugs is big business. Heard of Orson Welles? Around 1960, he directed a movie called "A Touch of Evil". With Charleton Heston as a Mexican federal agent, and Janet Leigh in her usual role as attractive victim. I dare you to rent and watch this film, as EXACTLY NOTHING has changed in The Drug War since, except now we sell more weapons to Columbia. Our modern-day "hero" DEA agents like to pick on pot dealers because they are a non-violent type. Our valiant DEA doesn't want any part of coca dealers, because they are loco killers!

07-05-2005, 02:22 PM
It unsettles me when people talk about the intellectual elites as bad people, for the examples you just gave.

A touch of Evil, ill try to rent it!

07-05-2005, 03:12 PM
Hmmm...what kind of Religious-psychosis is the one infecting the Supremes? Isn't Abrahamic? Doesn't religious psychosis impedes the infected from differentiating between myths and tangible realities affecting their brains as Daltonism and miopia infect the eyes?

Try to tell those Abrahamic infected folks that:

"The Constitution is a living, breathing document. The first words of the Constitution ARE NOT God said so and so, the first words are , WE THE PEOPLE! Imperfect men of goodwill created a framework in which the superstition of religion would finally have to carry it's own weight, without official governmental support. "

One can not reason with those insane folks that do not have it! Do you expect pears from the apple tree?...after all the: "under god", "in god we trust", Senate opening sessions with a prayer, swearing to tell the truth on babbles, POTUS taking the Oath of office on the same book of lies.....clearly indicates a psychosis. Crazy is as crazy does.....so, humanity keeps suffering because of this awful neurological disorder..:)