View Full Version : Why American Christains are number one

10-25-2005, 09:17 AM
Found this article today and thought it newsworthy. Apparently here in the US it is ok to hate fags and to wish death upon your countrymen. I think if these weren’t christians we would round them up on hate crime charges.


10-25-2005, 09:19 AM
I read that one today. I got as far as "Fred Phelps" and didn't bother to continue. This guy's a real nut job. :P

Snappy McPoisonTounge
10-25-2005, 10:07 AM
Those who scream and bitch about things such as this usually are surpressing their gay side. Phelps is gay probibly hangs out in bath houses.

10-25-2005, 12:22 PM
yeah, he probably is gay...

Chiot Vulgaire
10-25-2005, 08:37 PM
This is why I decided to not be a christian. Call me brutal, but I cannot help but feel EXTREME dislike for this phelps man, and I think he's perfect to be shown the suffering of those he attacks. Because of people like him many people, young and old, who feel themselves changing their orientations around, are driven to suicide or other forms of self-destruction because they have been told it is evil. What people do in their beds is their own business (between consenting adults. They could shove fish up their ass and play ponies for all I care, as long as its between consenting adults) but these people insist its all public, as though its the law to tell every xtian schmuck that he masturbates 5 times a day. Phelps needs to be forced to watch a bible burning party, with a clockwork-orange-esque apparatus attached to his eyeballs.

*waits for choobus to come storming in to celebrate masturbation*