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Old 04-10-2007, 04:25 PM   #87
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Sternwallow wrote
whoneedscience wrote
Sternwallow wrote
The complexity of the output of a function is not, in principle, related to that of the function code or the code plus its execution.

Obviously, a long program whose output is only the value zero, is much more complex than its output. By the same reason, the program can be much less complex than its output.
If a function always outputs a constant, it reduces to a much simpler function. I would argue that the effective complexity should be considered from this reduced form, not from the needless computations that happen to be involved.
Computability issues suggest that it is not always possible to identify, by inspection, what code is needless. A function that returns "1" if a given string of digits appears in a contiguous section of the decimal expansion of Pi is not necessarily possible to simplify to one that ignores its input and returns "1" always.
I'm not sure where you're going there. I'm just talking about mathematically reducing a function.

If you had a function that performed a million multiply and the same number of divide operations to always output the exact same thing as the input, then its effective complexity is independent of those operations; it's just a unity gain, or effectively no operation at all.
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