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Old 07-08-2008, 02:29 AM   #35
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Irreligious wrote View Post
Paranormal? Haunted houses? What is all this supposed to mean outside the cliched movie versions of things going bump in the night?

If you can accept the notion of ghosts and spirits as real, it doesn't seem like a great leap towards believing in dead god-men rising and ascending to a "mysterious" realm called heaven.
For me, that would have nothing to do with it. The argument of ghosts aside; I would get creeped out in a spooky place through the atmosphere. The idea of being alone in a supposedly haunted house would make me, and I assume a lot more folk here than are letting on, pretty edgy and jumpy. I don't believe in ghosts, but that doesn't stop the dark, dusty furniture and creaky floorboards from getting me going.
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