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Old 02-21-2007, 07:15 AM   #17
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So far nothing by PZ. A few people comment on the thread I posted though.
Here is a great video I just saw explaining evolution:

The Atheist Jew asked about a Science Daily article. Straw man alert:

Jeffrey H. Schwartz, University of Pittsburgh professor of anthropology in the School of Arts and Sciences, is working to debunk a major tenet of Darwinian evolution. Schwartz believes that evolutionary changes occur suddenly as opposed to the Darwinian model of evolution, which is characterized by gradual and constant change.

The "Darwinian model" presupposes neither gradual nor constant change (what Dawkins derided as "constant speedism"). It does entail incremental change, where the increments are single applications of evolutionary operators in genetic space, not phenotype space. But some of those single increments can be seemingly large: see speciation by polyploidy.
Re: Atheist Jew:

The title is a Fundies dream come true:
No Missing Link? Evolutionary Changes Occur Suddenly, Professor Says

That is almost exactly how creationists originally saw Punk-Eek. But Stephen Jay Gould turned out not to be their dream come true, despite Punk-Eek, Kurt Wise, and Rock of Ages.
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