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Old 07-02-2008, 04:35 AM   #35
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Missionary wrote View Post
So essentially, science so far has failed to come up with anything more than a model and speculative opinionated conjecture to explain the simultaneous mutations of a variety of species over millions of years into male/female sexes WHILE STILL reproducing asexually AS THEY mutated into opposite sexes. You have to admit, that's an difficult mutation to explain away.
The key phrase, of course, is ‘so far’. Unfulfilled potential does not equate to failure. DNA sequencing was one of science's more abject 'failures' prior to your and my adult lifetime. A generation or two ago, science had ‘failed’ to produce a machine that could replicate even the simplest calculations of which the human brain is capable. A century back, it had ‘failed’ even to cause a solid object to levitate or fly. Half a millennium before that, science (of the occidental variety at least) had ‘failed’ to establish that the earth and its neighbouring planets moved around the sun.

That last one was particularly significant, because the untapped potential for reasoned investigation gave legitimacy to a wholly uninformed supposition which was just plain wrong. The rectification opened up questions about the entire validity of supposedly divine 'truths'. So the exception to the statement, ‘unfulfilled potential does not equate to failure’ must be when progress ceases to be sought, and erroneous thought is allowed to flourish unchallenged.

So there is really no reason to despair at what scientific investigation has hitherto been able to achieve. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Last edited by Riddler; 07-02-2008 at 05:03 AM. Reason: technological updating
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