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Old 11-24-2011, 10:58 PM   #91
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Join Date: Nov 2011
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Posts: 292
Rhinoqulous wrote View Post
*sigh* Really Smelly? It seems all y'all are handling this guy fine, but I'll take a whack at this cringe worthy "proof".

I haven't read through the majority of this thread, just scanned through a few pages, it seems the majority of Egor's responses are him whining that he can't plug his blog. So, Egor, if you want to have a discussion on your proof, you'll have to post here. I'm not going to go to your site. You came here, so post here. Don't tell us to go to your blog for responses. Also, I do not give you permission to repost anything I post here on your blog. It is here or nothing.
You don't understand copyright, my friend.

That seems to be a bit of a leap. I know I've never had precognitive or extra sensory events in my life. Neither has anyone in my family (to my knowledge). Nor have most of the people I know claim to have had such an experience. From what basis do you claim that most people have these experiences?
I know lots of people. Maybe they don't feel comfortable telling "you" about it.

Whoa, where the hell does this come from? In what way does a fermion or a boson resemble "mind" rather than "matter"? Last time I checked fermions and bosons are considered "matter". Also, how do you distinguish mind from matter? I myself am an anomalous monist when it comes to the mind-brain question. Are you arguing for an out-dated straight-up mind-brain dualist position?
The observer effect in quantum physics. The paradoxical dual-slit experiment. That sort of thing. Sub-atomic particles start acting very strange the smaller they get. What do they call it? That experiment where two sub-atomic particles act the same even when separated by space. Now they're saying neutrinos might actually travel faster than light, and for all our knowledge, we still can't seem to find the Higgs boson. We might. Who knows. But if we don't, we're going to have to think of a whole 'nother way that particles get mass.

Evolution would have an intended direction,

What methods? What is a fundamental consciousness? In what ways has this been found? You don't post any "proofs" to your argument, just makes a bunch of outlandish claims and POOF! God exists. That's not an argument, that's your belief (that seems to be highly unjustified).
I posted an article for the existence of fundamental consciousness on another forum. You can also read it on my blog.

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