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Old 12-12-2011, 10:13 AM   #220
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Michael wrote View Post
Credit where credit is due - I've said this before, I'll say it again. You really have a knack for talking shit - for talking a straight forward topic, twisting it until the original topic is no longer present, and then re-presenting it to reflect your agenda, absent the original idea. You can take that as a compliment or as an insult, I don't care.

It's a skill that most politicians and evangelical speakers have. Unfortunately it only tends to work on those that are already tended towards sharing the opinion that you have, or the stupid (which in this case is pretty much the same thing).

I fear that if your goal is to convince those that don't share your ideals that you are correct, you are finding yourself far off the mark. Anyone who cares to can dissect your arguments and see that you are not fairly representing anything. Those who are inclined to hear what you have to say, however, will probably listen to you.

You may even find yourself gaining some recognition amongst those people.

So if all you are after is some empty ( and very, very minor) celebrity amongst the hardcore crazies, congratulations, I fear you just may get it.

But if you were searching for anything more meaningful, I would suggest trying to go down a different path. Try honesty, that might do you some good.

Of course, given that Christians lack the ability to be honest (their worldview calls for delusion on a grand scale), you may find yourself alienating your only possible audience if you do. Though, like I said, given that you guys have to be dishonest if you want to continue living this lie, I doubt you could tell the truth if you wanted to.

I want to give you a basic example of what I mean - using your response as a guide, but seeking a seperate end point, I'll see if I can twist it it to meet my desired end meaning, much like you set your desired end and worked your logic there, instead of letting it follow a natural course.

Jesus is an Alien

What if God didn’t want us to dismiss these as historical records? What if
He wanted us to look deeper into them? If the two genealogies don’t jive,
what does that mean?

I’ve always thought it meant that the genealogies didn’t matter. But why
wouldn’t it matter? Perhaps because God wants me to realize that Jesus isn’t
like any earthly king.

And then I begin to think about what god would be saying, if his Earthly lineage cannot be traced back, then I see how Jesus had his 12 apostles, the same number of constelations in the horoscope, and I see that Jesus was the "Sun" (son) in the middle.

Then I see that Jesus isn’t like Henry the VIII or Herod the Great. I see
that he’s more powerful than they are. And I see why he had a crown of
thorns and not a crown of Gold, the thorns representing the stars, the birthplace of jesus, because he wasn’t like an earthly king who was born to an earthly throne.

Suddenly, the genealogies make perfect sense. Jesus wasn't a human at all, rather the son of "god" - another alien race who came here to experiment, using their superior scientific powers. And then I realize why healing the blind was such a heralded miracle that Jesus performed!
Heaven, then, must be the place where god resides - the ship that brought them here.

And if he can do that by the Word of God, then it’s true when he says,
“Heaven and earth will pass away but my word will never pass away.” And then I realize that they must have back-ups of the bible stored on their home planet just in case they do something stupid like blow up the earth and take their ship with it.

In what you thought was a mistake, I found the whole Gospel message

You can believe whatever you want. I will always be thankful God made the genealogies discordant.

Okay, so it lacks the prose of yours, but I think you might see my point.

Wait, what am I saying? You're dense as fuck, of course you don't see my point. Oh well.
Masterfully done. But, yes, he is as dense as fuck.

"Those who most loudly proclaim their honesty are least likely to possess it."
"Atheism: rejecting all absurdity." S.H.
"Reality, the God alternative"
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