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Old 03-10-2006, 08:19 AM   #5
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StillSurviving wrote
There is nothing objective about the claim that human life is "too complicated to have developed without a designer." Is there a quantitative complication scale? The claim is unscientific to begin with, and only gains strength by appealing to an emotional attachment to the idea of a creator, and relying on the public's misunderstanding if what a scientific theory represents. It's not science, so don't teach it in a public science class. Teach it to your own kids at home if you feel compelled to do so, or send them to a private school.
so would there be a seperate class for each theory? surly one teacher would not teach all theories, they would be biast towards the one they beleive.
whilst im all for it, home schooling would also lead to parents being biast to what they beleive, there is no answer but one thing i know for sure is kids these days might see through the lies of religion and in years to come, with any luck, religion might truly be history!
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