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Old 03-06-2012, 05:31 PM   #205
Thank God I’m an atheist
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Egor wrote View Post

It’s not going to replace it in numbers or churches. It’s replacing it theologically. Maybe not today; maybe not tomorrow, but eventually it will.
Well done, that manages not to answer the question at all.

You say hell is for those that know Christ and reject him, like most atheists on here. So are you saying all these people that didn't accept Christ because they didn't know him go to heaven, or is there a third place for them that I am unaware of? You didn't explain this part very well.

You also state that the answer to my question about the two men is easy. Is it? The one you condemned to hell lead a life which surely conforms much closer to the example set by Jesus in his own life. Also, if this mans efforts are fruitless, then why did Jesus also heal the sick? Why would god make us so incapable and unlikely to comprehend what he deems as good or just, are we not in his image? Or was it just foresight so that heaven didn't get too crowded.

I can't be bothered to answer all your points individually, needless to say that you have yet again contradicted your earlier posts.

I can appreciate what you are saying, and I understand the principles from my own theistic days, I just can't believe that the glaringly obvious problem of it being complete bollocks seems to pass you by without question.

Good luck with whatever ventures you partake in, hopefully one of them at some point will coincide with reality.

"Belief means not wanting to know what is true"
Friedrich Nietzsche
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