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Old 02-06-2012, 03:49 AM   #173
Thank God I’m an atheist
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I think his little outbursts at you Sol have proved to show us his true colours. I know he will say when in Rome, but the manner in which he does it is so petty, unimaginative and immature. I strongly suspect we have a little cunt who hasn't touched a real woman since he last breastfed from his mom (probably at the age of about 14) and spent most of his life being excluded or bullied because he is a twat.

Somewhere in his own selfish little brain, he has reasoned out why nobody likes him, it's because he is special. All this mixed in with a desire to be above and better than the people that have excluded him for so long, as well as a massive over estimation of his own self importance have led him to go on a personal journey that he feels he must share.

Egor = Delusions of grandeur, overestimation of intellect, virgin (your sister doesn't count Egor, and besides that was her bellybutton), a massive desire to be accepted but due to ego not on an equal footing.

He is the sort of person that if he met someone that was considered to be a true spiritual leader, he would point out where there going wrong.

"Belief means not wanting to know what is true"
Friedrich Nietzsche
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