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Old 03-30-2019, 02:16 PM   #49
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hertz vanrental wrote View Post
Fuck me, is this really the best that you could come up with ffs?

"The Romans had enough wine." Really? No one has enough wine. How many 'Toga' parties have you ever been to where there's been enough wine? Toga, Toga, Toga.

I noticed that you ignored the 'slight' problem of Nazareth being unoccupied in the 1st century AD. Perhaps the Romans saw Nazareth as a political threat too? I could mention the importance of Sennacherib but my fear is that his significance will be wasted. I could als mention Mithras but that too would be a waste I fear.

What about the fact that there wasn't a census held in 0 AD? Maybe Romans saw that as a political threat too?

What about the fact that the census that was held closest to the supposed birth of zombie boy excluded Galilee (in which Nazareth lay). Perhaps the Romans also saw that as a political threat?

As far as we are able to determine, there has never been a census held by anyone in the entire history of Mankind, where the people were counted in the city of the birth of the head of the family? It would defeat the object of the census or is this another political ploy?

I really could go on all day about the fuckwittery in the babble, but I'll leave it there. Besides, Carrier et al do a better job than I.

Methinks you are a christard, maybe even another reincarnation of the fucktard jerryjohn. If so, please allow me to be the first under your latest reincarnation to call you a cunt and tell you to fuck off.

By the way, welcome.
What ur missing is the notion that the Roman political elite probably didn't care that much about the regular citizens - whether everyone had wine - who cares - as long as the elite have enough. Also, I doubt the political elite of rome cared about the health care of the proletariat.

Ceasar would have only been tempted to recruit Jesus for his healing powers, if he, or his immediate family / loved ones, were deathly ill.
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