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Old 09-04-2008, 03:51 AM   #40
Disciple of Christ
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Isilmë wrote View Post
Right, sure. But God did design the body to be susceptible to cancer, diseases, hernias.. you name it, all of which cause pain. Of course, he could just have designed the body not to endure pain during the process..

Oh, perlease.. what a piss-poor excuse. Instead of causing verifiable miracles that would make the existance of some sort of God-like being undeniable. Why not just reveal himself directly, that way everyone will get the message, right?

Of course you have to want to believe!
God will not reveal his sacred wisdom to someone who just lost a limb. I'm sorry, but you're terribly confused, that's not how God provides his love and compassion unto the earth. If God healed all amputees around the world without the pain and suffering it would take to re-grow the severed limb, unbelievers, skeptics and atheists would claim "It's a natural event caused by an evolutionary process, or no proof of God healing an amputee."

And it's not a "piss-poor" excuse, it's the truth! God did design the body to be susceptible to cancer and many other illnesses because sin and evil has taken over the earth.

God is not going to put his creation through the agonizing torture it would take to regrow a severed body part. Be lucky God doesn't heal amputees.
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