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Old 03-30-2005, 09:27 AM   #13
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Since the time of Andrew Jackson this country has increasingly become a plutocracy and no longer a democracy. The meek masses cling to religion because it is their hope for a better future. The elite use this belief to present commonality, there for gaining more acceptance even though their socio-economic platforms have nothing in common with the religious. Perfect example is the republican party. There isn't a Christian in the world who can make the case that Christ would support jungle capitalism. Yet the religious right votes republican in droves. Why? Because the right utilizes religious morality to lull them over.

Anyhow, this is exactly what happened with the pledge. Under God was inserted in 1954. America coporations was in competition with Russia for economic world super power status. Feed it to the American masses that the communists are atheistic and we must unite against them with the guise of religious fervor. Tell the poor it is for religion and they'll get behind any cause, sadly enough.

Its no different today. We are telling the religious right they should be anti-abortion (even though you can make a pro-choice case using the bible which is far more powerful then a pro-life one). Why do this? Well, the corporations need a working poor to pay slave wages so they can secure their profits. That's why the same people who preach pro-life sentiments are the same ones who utilize birth control so flagrantly. You don't see the rich having numerous teen pregnancies. But we do find countless shipments of birth control pills to nunneries for the sake of keeping them from getting knocked up by the priests. The pill was invented by a Catholic and his funding came from the church!

This is an old game... Take a look at how the Catholic church funded the nazi war machine and made profits off of the Jewish slave labor... Old hat, religion works with politics to keep the people from revolt.

Oh man, the fundies and conservative atheists are going to scream at me for this one LMAO
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