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Old 01-15-2017, 07:29 AM   #4
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RodgerMill wrote View Post
Yes human beings have a moral sense that developed evolutionarily. I fully agree that this was of practical use to primitive human societies. There are many varied ethical systems. Yes, yes, all well and good.

And if that were all of my experience, I would have no need for Christianity either or any God.

But I find that when I read from the Bible, when spend time praying, and when I meditate on the truths that Christians have believed for centuries that I am my best self. I spend more time with the sick. I volunteer myself more. I find myself more interested in others and how I can help them in their lives. I am more self-reflective. I am slower to anger and kinder. And I find I understand my inner workings much better.

So I cannot, from my experience, say that everything works without a supernatural deity.

So let's test this hypothesis. Isis members have a supernatural deity, Allah. So, are they " more interested in others, how I can help them in their lives. I am more self-reflective. I am slower to anger and kinder." Yup. No suicide bombings, decapitations, executions of women and children, poisoning of city water supplies, chemical warfare, no siree.

Use foolproof airtight logic on a mind that's closed and you're dead. - William J. Reilly, Opening Closed Minds
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