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Old 10-15-2005, 12:34 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
I'll admit my own opinion on the war is somewhat muddled, but going around killing people in Iraq is exactly the wrong thing to to. Look, we tried it in Vietnam. It didn't work then, and it won't work now. If you kill one innocent civilian in an area like Iraq today, you'll have his brothers, sons, cousins and neighbors strapping bombs to their chests and blowing up your checkpoint tomorrow, and just as many signing up to crash planes into your home the day after that. That's the way life is when you don't have running water and your only education is the Koran.

If you want to win the war, you have to defend the Iraqi people, not attack them. We need to set up infrastructure: roads, water, police, and especially schools. Then they will see that it is the insurgency that is hurting them, not the infidel Americans, and in a generation, they stand a chance of being a functioning, developed country.
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