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Old 06-30-2005, 11:01 AM   #15
The Original Rhinoqurilla
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Philboid Studge wrote
It occured to me -- me who knows diddly about Process Philosophy -- that PP could at least help us get a grip on what 'time' is. Sure enough, Rhinoq's
link leads us to the three principal factors of PP, #2 of which is "That this complex has a certain temporal coherence and unity, and that processes accordingly have an ineliminably temporal dimension."
I think PP has the best chance of making sense of time, in that processes necessarily contain "durations". If we start viewing the world in terms of "processes" and "events" as opposed to "objects", we are including time within our description of reality, and many absurd and down-right silly philosophical situations are avoided (such as the concept of "empty" time). As for the ontological status of time (what "time" really is, and the nature of past, present and future), I think PP falls closest to a "Presentist" theory, where what "exists" as time is a current duration (the "now"). But this is just my insane rambling.


Wait just a minute-You expect me to believe-That all this misbehaving-Grew from one enchanted tree? And helpless to fight it-We should all be satisfied-With this magical explanation-For why the living die-And why it's hard to be a decent human being - David Bazan
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