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Old 01-24-2018, 03:58 AM   #2970
Obsessed Member
Join Date: Jun 2014
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hertz vanrental wrote View Post
I can't ever remember believing in de lard.

Right from the get go, it was either 'Big Bang' or 'Steady State'. god didn't enter into it.

Before you ask, my parents were agnostic.

I have to admit that, once upon a time, I thought jebus existed, but only as guy who had a degree of charisma and powers to fool the masses. I thought of him as a cross between Houdini and Martin Luther King but he was no son of god. After all, no god = no son thereof. The only reason I thought he existed was because everyone told me so and there was 'all of this supposed EVIDENCE' which proved his existence. I ought to have checked but was too busy doing other things. Pity because I would have realised that jebus was manufactured in order to give the then new religion, christardology, a degree of creedence which was badly needed, given that it was dying out (not unlike today, in fact).

Eventually, I did my research and followed the evidence. I was shocked to find how little evidence for jebus actually existed and how weak it was.

Lots of christards point to Josephus and Tacitus as 'proof' of the existence of jebus. Lots of christards haven't read either for, if they did, would realise that the 'proof' that these two provide is nothing of the kind. It is flimsy at best and, at worst, a forgery.

So, we have this belief in what? Something which resembles fresh air, judging by what christards refer to as 'evidence'.

My first reaction was: how stupid is Mankind?

But, that's not really the answer is it? It's about the fear of death that religion has instilled in Mankind. Religion cleverly taps into Mankind's inherently superstitious nature and uses it for their own ends.

So, how fearful of death and superstitious is Mankind?

The answer is: very, BUT, it is decreasing. Mankind is finally growing up and divesting itself, albeit slowly, of the shackles of religion.

Mankind is now beginning to view the god, jebus, babble 'thing' critically and is arriving at the conclusion that it is horseshit and that religion is no more than a business designed to control Mankind and relieve it of possessions.

Immature, superstitious twats like you, jerrypong, and that useless piece of shit, android, are a dying breed. You are being left behind by a world that is moving on. The world is discovering that it can actually get along far better without religion and religtards. Had either of you lived here in the UK, you would be in a small minority and treated like village idiots.

Does this answer your question?
Yes. I will comment on your points later. When I do you should listen up and take notes.

Briefly, since you like to post A LOT, do you disrespect all THEISTS truly as useless pieces of shit? I think it's a lot of blowing off steam for some mental issue you have.

If so, how is that any different that any other type of prejudice? I am thinking of racism, misogyny, etc?

Was it you who were raised Catholic? (Perhaps that was Judge) If so, I do believe Catholicism is a denomination that instills fear in SOME people due to many reasons including the issue of mortal/venial sins, thousands of rules to follow lest you sin, ending up in a hellish like purgatory etc.

I know many people that are Catholic and they are "fine upstanding people."
Just like the song, Hertzy.

"Sign, Sign everywhere a sign, this don't do that" part of the lyrics. Good song, look it up immediately and snap to it.

Good day, Hertzy,

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