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Old 07-11-2008, 05:03 AM   #8
Posts: n/a
Crest: That entirely misses the point. The body and blood of Jesus Christ, soul and divinity, under the species of bread, have been profaned. You might just as well flog him and crucify him again. It doesn't matter that you don't believe this or understand it. You don't mess with those things except at your own risk. Now Catholics don't, as a matter of policy, cut people's heads off-- even for this, which is why that unspeakable toad felt free to do what he did. However, there is no telling how an unstable person or a number of unstable people may react in a situation like this.

As always, when reading the secular press on religious matters, my IQ dropped a few points. It was not very well reported, as to the why and what of the matter. However, to answer your question about the priest, it does look as though he was calm and did say what little could be said to keep the matter from blowing up. This one is out of his hands, though.

For Broga and other curious: The wafer has no flavor at all. The wine is not esp. flavorful either, although one can recognize it as wine.
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