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Old 10-15-2005, 09:29 AM   #6
Cap'n Awesome
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JimVonRamen wrote
"Kill all the insurgents."

"Turn half of Iraq into a mudhole."

Spoken like someone who knows fuck-all about guerilla warfare.

And people who never really cared about "finding WMD" or "freeing the people of Iraq" in the first place, anyway; in the end, this war was just about killing us some Ay-rabs, wasn't it?
We could do it, we have the most powerful military machine ever seen. We know what towns and areas the vast majority of the insurgents are in. We could bomb the hell out of it and then send in our soldiers to go clean up the rest.

Ask yourself why we don't? Two obvious reasons spring to mind.

A. International outrage. The reaction from your beloved (Yet impotent) U.N. would make a few people queasy. But heaven forbid we don't want to make a few French Liberals cry do we? That's a good reason to extend a war.

B. Alot of American soldiers would die all at once. Lets face it, 10 people dying a week isn't going to spark Vietnam-like protests at home. But if suddenly 500 soldiers died in a week, there reaction at home would be massive. But by the end of this war, far far more people are going to die then if we brought it to a quick end.

Listen, I was never in favor of going to this war in the first place. I think if people want democracy, or a change of government, it's thier own responsibility to do it. But now that we're there, we might as well try to win the damn thing.
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