Thread: Theory debunked
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:49 PM   #617
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Choice 1: Evidence.

Choice 2: Fuck evidence, I'll believe whatever I want!

Only a dolt would pick choice 2 (faith) over choice 1. While it's a choice, it's barely so. It is almost a paradox.

Asking for evidence why you pick choice 2, Xans, would be pointless since evidence clearly means nothing to you, if you've made such a decision.

But if you're open minded, go use option 2 to believe you're totally invincible (as in unharmable) and walk off a tall building. This will quickly prove to you why choice 2 is a load of shit, to the point that no person should EVER choose it under any circumstance given that choice 1 is always available, even if the best choice 1 has is "I don't know."

“Whoever attacks the popular falsehoods of his time will find that a lie defends itself by telling other lies.” - Robert Ingersoll
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