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Old 05-13-2006, 09:25 AM   #13
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veritas wrote
If God is love, peace, joy and fulfillment of the heart, then when people reject Him they simply choose the opposite of God "unrest, sadness, despair and emptiness etc). Hell is simply choosing an eternity without God's presence.
Well, if God is all-powerful then there can be nothing that is opposite to god. I think many people think of Satan as opposed to God but that's not true. He is actually God's servant who plays the role of the tempter and God constantly uses him to tempt people (Adam, Job, Jesus, etc.). When you have a being who is all-powerful and all-knowing then nothing can be opposed to that being.

veritas wrote
And good can exist along with the possibility of evil. Evil doesn’t have to exist(Evil being agianst God's will since God is good). And since the next question is going to be why does God let bad things happen if He's all powerful and the answer would be that if God stopped all bad from happening then we wouldn't have true choice. If we choose it. Thats what we get. so there's your proof of free will: bad things happen. And they happen because humans are selfish and don't love God constantly and don't love their neighbor constantly. Therefore Jesus.
There is no such thing as free will. Any and every decision we make is influenced by something and there is only one choice we will ever make at any time. If anything, free will is simply the ability to make choices (which means that animals and computer programs have free will as well). As for free will being a justification for evil that also doesn't hold up. If free will is the source of evil, and if God gave humans free will then God gave humans evil. Since evil cannot come from something that is perfectly good it then follows that God is evil (as well as good, if you like). Furthermore, if God gave humans free will then he must have known that it would lead to evil. Since he did it anyways it means that God accepted the risks and is willing to take the responsibility for it. If you give a person a gun then you have to accept the risk that comes with it, and if someone gets hurt because of that decision then you have to take responsibility for it. The bottom line is that God allows evil to exist and if God is perfect then it cannot be opposite to his plan. Therefore, evil is part of God's plan.

veritas wrote
The question isnt how God is going to deal with everybody else. He knows their hearts, He knows what they have pursued in life and He is going to judge them fairly. The important thing is that YOU know the gospel and you have straight up rejected God's mercy and love for you. Quit guessing about other people's situation and take a look at your own.
It also says in the bible that God influences people's minds and makes them do things (Pharaoh). He also tests and tempts people because he wants to know their hearts (Abraham, Job). If you actually read the bible correctly then you'll see that God is actually not all-powerful, nor all-knowing. There are several times in the bible where he regrets his decisions (king Saul, Noah's flood) and also cannot do things (Judges 1:19). He is also not perfect as he gets jealous, angry, and is vindictive. He strikes people down who simply look at him or speak his name in a bad way. All this suggests a being who has major ego problems and is hugely insecure about himself. Not a being worth worshipping in my opinion, even if we were real.

And it's impossible for atheists to reject God, because atheists don't believe in God. You cannot reject what you do not believe in (it's like rejecting Santa Claus or unicorns). As for God's love and mercy, the only thing I see about God is hate and vengeance. He is a cruel dictator who rules his people by force and demands worship. He is also utterly incapable of forgiving people (he always needs a sacrifice or some kind, whether it be animals or his own son) and punishes people down to the third and fourth generation. Honestly, I cannot think of a being more evil than the Hebrew God.

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