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Old 06-12-2007, 05:21 PM   #79
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Egotistical Atheist wrote
skribb wrote
HomoCyclist wrote
Interacting with each other is a very different thing. I will try to explain in a simple, easy and kind of personal way so we understand each other. You all know I am a lesbian, but I look 100% like a woman, I act like one, and I certainly want men to be polite around me and respect me as a woman, because I am a woman, who just happens to prefer the companionship of another woman, along with sexual attraction of course. But my hormones are still very much estrogens and progesterone. When they are low I feel like crap, (-Im 45 and sufferinf menopause :mad:-), so I dont think that I am a lesbian because my female hormones were low since I was born or because I have more testosterone than estrogens. Believe me, that is not the case. Ive had patients, female heterosexual patients who havent been able to get pregnant because they have high levels of testosterone and they have hirsutism and other masculine characteristics, but they still 100% heterosexual.
I dont want to offend you in any way, or rip up old wounds, but you were molested by your father when you were a child, correct? Now, I am no psychologist or expert of any kind, but that COULD be a factor in you being a lesbian. Does that sound too out there? Personally, I think not. But there is probably a 70% chance Im be wrong.
You Sir sound like you need to get a little bit of education.

I am a 49 year old homosexual guy and I was never raped or molested sexually by any adult. I had a wonderful family, loving and caring. My siblings are a brother and a sister. Both are heterosexual, however my sisters first child who is now 18 has come out as gay.

Obviously you couldnt understand anything HomoCyclist posted because your education does not allow you to do it. Read more. Think more. Educate yourself please.
God. I fucking HATE when people take things personally when they aren't even about them. At which point in my post did I say an unhappy childhood was related to homosexuality? I might have expressed myself rather unclearly (sorry 'bout that) - I was trying to explain that there might not be just one cause for homosexuality, but multiple - and what's more, multiple causes that vary from person to person. Ex gratia (as a bad example), a female is molested by her father and thus develops a subconscious (or otherwise) hatred or disgust for males and is sexually turned to homophilia (for that reason only or including other accumulated reasons). Another female could just find herself being homosexual without any external "stimuli".

I think that sexuality is mostly a social construct, not to the extreme like Cal postulates, but close. Take for example Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire where most males had younger males as sexual partners. I think we are born with the capacity to possess any sort of orientation, with males being a bit closer to heterophilia than females (though I am not too sure about that) - take for example the fact that females can usually walk hand-in-hand, or hug each other, or even kiss each other without it being deemed awkward, wereas if males did they same thing, they'd be suspected gay. To prove this one could go around bars asking heterosexual people of both genders if they would have sex with their own gender, for money or for free. I am quite certain that more females than males would answer yes to that question.

my anecdotal sense of it is that more females are at least latently bisexual, if not actually.
Look, Gnosital is on the same track as I :)

Am I getting through to you? Please don't be offended. Sometimes I get lost in my words and forget crucial parts needed for my post to be coherent. Just ask for clarification and I shall be of assistance.
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