Thread: It's About Time
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Old 01-02-2008, 09:09 AM   #29
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a different tim wrote View Post
Subjectively, though, he would not gain any "extra" time. If both twins had a life expectancy of, say, 70 years, the earth one would live 70 years Earth time, whereas the traveler would live 70 years ship time. Both would experience what they regarded as a "normal" lifetime. This has been confirmed by accelerating normally short lived particles to close to light speed, where they last a lot longer from our point of view (but not from theirs).
Right, they’ll have the same amount of time available, however in practical terms, it basically means that by moving close to the speed of light is the same as moving forward in time relative to objects that are moving slower relative to your self. You can basically create a forward moving time machine.

Now begs the question, why does time behave this way? I've tried to read up on Time dilation but much of it is hard to really grasp and I can’t really weed out a solid good and easy to understand answer.
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