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Old 12-18-2009, 02:13 PM   #1974
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Barney wrote View Post
Sevens. You are nowhere near an atheist. Not in the same league. Not playing the same game. Nothing you beleive could ever be considered atheist or freethinking.

What you have is a lack of beleif in monotheistic religions replacing that beleif with numerology and pattern seeking controlled by woo woo powers from beyond.

Never sully the name atheist with your brand of bone-strirring, tea reading junk non-science.

Just stick a mystical hat on your head and chant the seven 222's or whatever mad crazy batshit you like. Just do it far away from people who use logic and reason. Your nutso-germs might infect.
Ah Come on Barney,

I thought it was pretty good, its all based on the scientific record and and religion and anything that is useful. I think its somewhat interesting that when I make the same method of calculation I come up with common results that I discover and recognize which seems to reflect common numbers that I see in the journey from the beginnings. Even Earthquakes and Volcanoes in there numbers seem to reflect the same number patterns using the same calculation.

I think all things can be used for good in a oneness, I believe all things including religion must be upgraded pointing to the Urantia Book harmonised with the bible harmonised with all things, knowledge from all quarters can be used to make a point. I believe a point is being made in that God exists and he is personal and has a personality and is open for friendship with anyone.

That's the true religion, the religion of the soul in friendship with the greater inhabited Universe on all levels and with fellow man. The brotherly love aspect encompassing all man no matter who he is and in harmony with the Universal Forces of the Universal Government and those representative of it. Representative of the true message of Jesus, the Sovereign of this Universe, a Paradise Son, a fellow Sevenfold creator son of the Father in Paradise.

The whole Universe is a big family who is friendly and is on the side of every individual if he chooses.

All the best Barney

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