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Old 12-23-2010, 10:55 AM   #8
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Besides which, recollection of dream details is notoriously unreliable. Dreams don't make sense: they result, I believe, from electrical activity in the brain that sustains basic biological functions during sleep as it fires through memory centers that are no longer occupied with external sensory input. Dreams only start to make sense after we wake and begin (consciously and unconsciously) to impose order on those senseless images. Part of that is "remembering" parts of the dream that weren't actually part of the dream, inserting elements to aid in the sense-making process.

So I'd be extremely suspicious of a story told after the fact of someone dreaming of a car accident that later happened exactly as dreamed. I'd be most likely inclined to believe that this person had a dream involving a vehicle (perhaps even an accident), then later saw a newscast of an actual car accident, was reminded of the vehicle in their dream, and subconsciously inserted the elements of the crash from the newscast into their "memory" of the dream.

If I were to believe that someone had something like a prophetic dream, I would need to know that they recalled certain specific details before their dream was fulfilled in reality. If my wife tells me tomorrow morning that she dreamed that the numbers 3, 19, and 27 would come out in the lottery, and on Saturday, the lottery numbers were 3, 15, 19, 21, 27 and 41, then I'd have a hard time denying that she had some sort of prophetic dream.

atheist (n): one who remains unconvinced.
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