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Old 09-20-2007, 06:14 PM   #36
PZ Myers
Posts: n/a
Choobus wrote
Do yo ulike your fetus's deep fried, slow roasted or on a stick and covered in chilli?
Raw and still squirming.

Philboid Studge wrote
This morning I heard a radio preacher say, "Faith gives us an avenue to knowledge that is beyond the capabilities of logic, reason, and intellectual study." I wouldn't know how to respond to that, other than give such a person a wide berth -- and I think this is a fairly mainstream theist sentiment. What can we tell these people, if anything?

(I was in Mississippi)
That Studge is one inquisitive fellow.

Your Mississippi preacher is wrong. Faith doesn't rise to the capabilities of logic, reason, and intellectual study -- it's a shortcut that bypasses reason to arrive at a false answer.

If faith had such powers, why is it we didn't accomplish anything in science until we'd abandoned it?
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