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Old 05-13-2006, 09:33 AM   #14
I Live Here
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veritas wrote
Facehammer wrote
This is, of course, ignoring the bad things that happen completely independently of any human cause. Earthquakes. Bear maulings. Meteorites. Cancer. All of which would indicate a total wanker of a god. But that's been covered a million times before. And that, if rejecting god means rejecting love, peace, joy and fulfilment of the heart, then all the muslims, wiccans, satanists, hindus, buddhists, zoroastrians, pagans, native Americans, ancient Egyptians and pastafarians must be really miserable bastards.

How can any intelligent person possibly make any coherent, let alone pleasing* vorldwiew based on this crap?

*(as in, pleasing enough to deliriously dribble down your chest as you inform people in the high street who don't care of how awesome it is to wank god's ego for all of time)
The question isnt how God is going to deal with everybody else. He knows their hearts, He knows what they have pursued in life and He is going to judge them fairly. The important thing is that YOU know the gospel and you have straight up rejected God's mercy and love for you. Quit guessing about other people's situation and take a look at your own.
Did you bump your head? MUST be talking about OSIRIS!...he is the ONLY true god that KNOWS anyone's heart and weighs this repository of TRUTH against a feather. In your case your heart is lighter than the feather ( representing Ma'at or the order of how things should be) which means your soul will be devoured by Ammit.!!
Remember this true religion is OLDER than the Christian mythos and lasted 3000 years!! More that Christianit ever will. Here LEARN:

So, REPENT, accept Osiris the god of light and truth as you SAVIOUR. He is the ONLY one that can bestow mercy and he loves you. Bow and kneel to Osiris thy god. Remember Jesus Christ used to kiss his ass before the God granting him the form of the Holy Spirit ( HORUS the bird) allowed him to impregnate his own mother so he could encarnate....or would you rather take my JET and see how infected with Christ-psychosis you truly are?..:lol:

The Egyptian Book of the Dead is OLDER than the Babble and clearly shows WHERE the babble copy its fairy tales from!
The gospel writers are ancient PLAGIARISTS. Remember unlike you I KNOW where all of those myths originated from. I, unlike you, can BACK UP my claims with EVIDENCE.
Please land.....:lol::lol:

I am the way the truth and the life said Osiris millennia before Jesus did! the Book of the Dead, it is ALL there!...:lol:

Christians and other folks infected with delusional beliefs think and reason like schizophrenics or temporal lobe epileptics. Their morality is dictated by an invisible friend called Jesus.
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