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Old 10-20-2006, 04:56 PM   #20
I Live Here
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StillSurviving wrote
Cal, would you agree that someone had to be anti-gay for non-religious reasons before the idea could be incorporated into religion? Anyone?
It never happen. It was religious-psychosis which made gays to be hated. One doesn't have to be gay to enjoy sex with a member of the same sex for we humans are bisexual by nature. Sex is like food and a variety of food is always good. In the Roman empire who emulated Greece culture, homosexuality was a natural thing to do it was no big deal. Some soldiers were atracted to females better but all of them have had sex with other soldiers. They emulated the Spartan way of life, a tough MACHO homosexual lifestyle. Men for fun, friendship, love, fighting and women to bear one's children taking care of the state. The Pater Familias ( head of the family) OWNED the life of his children, wife, slaves etc. The most powerful women in the Romen empire were six. The Vestal virgins. While they could have sex with each other, a visit by a Penis could cause the worst of deaths.

Morality, family values and disdain for homosexual practices begun with Divi Filius ( Son of God, Augustus. He provided great benefits to those who would marry. Unfortunatelly his daughter Julia was a nymphomaniac and love Priapus so much his distraught father banned her to the Island of Pandataria, where she died.
This deep morality by the son of god Augustus would be the guide to Christian "morals" and devious stupidity 300 years later when the cult of Caesar mutated into Christianity/

Christians and other folks infected with delusional beliefs think and reason like schizophrenics or temporal lobe epileptics. Their morality is dictated by an invisible friend called Jesus.
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