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Old 01-02-2010, 02:00 PM   #1
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Ordinary decent people

[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']A(nti)theism; a hateful and murderous system

“Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness” Karl Marx

Karl Marx was a clever man, some even thought him the greatest thinker that there ever was. He saw that there was much poverty in the world and he decided to use his great intellect to find an answer. Unfortunately, for some reason, he made a decision that he didn’t need God to help. Why did he make that decision? Perhaps he pondered questions such as ‘why does God allow suffering?’ and, as he couldn’t find an answer, and as he thought he had the answer, then he thought he was better than God.

It doesn’t really matter, he denied God and got on with his thinking and founded a political system based upon mankind. That system is called communism, and though it is wider than just atheism, it is founded on and has always had as a core tenet the suppression and destruction of the worship of God. Atheism and communism are inextricably linked. The one is founded on the other and they are inseparable.

When God is removed, the people who do it have no boundaries and the lowest evils are possible. This is what happened. Where ever they took power then people suffered and died in their millions.

65 million in China, 20 million in USSR, 2 million in Cambodia, 2 million in North Korea, 1.7 million in Africa, 1.5 million in Afghanistan, 1 million in Eastern Europe, 1 million in Vietnam.

Millions upon millions upon millions and all this since 1917.

Atheism is always portrayed by its apologists as just a bit of nothing. Just a simple, homely non-threatening viewpoint. “There is no God.” However it is clearly nothing of the sort. Look at its history and writings and you will see that is very much a belief system with a clear paradigm and a full set of values and thoughts.

This can be seen most clearly, through the atheism of the communists. The extreme cruelty and viciousness of the communists comes directly from their atheism. The communists were merciless because of their atheism. “There is no God, I can do whatever I want or need to do”.
This is the root of the atheist evil. God looks to the good of all (love your neighbour, turn the other cheek, forgiveness) and atheism looks to the promotion of the individual (survival of the fittest, materialism, control).

It didn’t need to be that way. The communist revolution could have been peaceful instead of violent and vindictive. It was atheism as much as communism that was at the root of the Gulags, Holodomor, the killing fields of Cambodia, Tiananmen Square and many other countless acts of inhumanity. Where God deniers have taken charge, millions up millions have paid with their lives.

Now that the world has had enough of communism, these people have not gone away. They have just changed their tactics. They continually seek to attack the inherited decency (including morality, tradition and sexual restraint) within Christian society in as many ways as they can, seeking to so de-stabilise. The UK has been in their grip for a number of decades now. Within the Government, the Civil Service, Councils, Quangos, Police boards etc. you are now only allowed to have a faith as long as you ‘keep it to yourself’. One outworking of this atheist hegemony is the breakdown of the family within the UK. God cares for the good of all, so requires of us sexual fidelity, but atheism says “there is no God; you can do what you like”. Children are sexualised from a very young age as they are taught about sexually explicit matters at school. The age from which this is allowed is soon to be lowered to 5 years old. State sponsored sexual abuse of children. These attacks on the family, hastening a lowering of general morality, have given the UK a divorce rate of 50%. Divorce is absolutely devastating for children. The one thing in an insecure world that a child believes in is its family. When that is broken then a child’s trust is destroyed. Much of the endemic pain, violence, aggression and hopelessness in our society are rooted in the broken home.*

This is not to say that all those who consider themselves atheists are bad people, far from it. In fact, most are just ordinary decent people who are attracted to atheism because of a misunderstood belief that it offers an alternative, that it is countercultural and that it offers freedom. Unfortunately that freedom is only a mirage caused by the smoke and mirrors semantics of the atheist apologists. This is no real freedom. Atheism in its denial of human spirituality offers only bondage to material goods and sensual gratification.

Of course, to say that not all atheists are bad people is just like saying that not all fascists are bad people. That is not the point. It is the fascism that is evil just as it is the atheism that is evil. To ally yourself with atheism is to ally yourself with abomination and genocide. Atheism is as destructive and as evil as fascism.

Atheism is a political system with evil intent. Please, if you are unable or unwilling to believe in anything more than the pure physical do not ally yourself with those who would destroy society for their own gain. Why not counter a faith in God with a sceptical, but peaceful, agnosticism?

Please do not totally slam shut the door on the spiritual yearning within. One day you might want to search for something more of the mysteries of love and life. If you seek a true counter cultural figure to follow, then look no farther than Jesus Christ and the kingdom he inaugurated at his resurrection. To enter that kingdom requires no religious actions whatsoever, just an understanding of your sin and a desire for forgiveness. If you join that kingdom you will learn that not only can you love God and your neighbour but that it is also possible to love your enemies. There is nothing more counter cultural than this love, crowned not with gold and precious jewels, but with a sacrificial crown of thorns, as worn by a carpenter from the Galilean peasantry.

* Some of the blame for the state of the UK also lies with Christians, we have not stood up for the truth we believe in. The vast majority of the population of the UK (over 70%) chose Christianity when asked about their religion. We need to refocus our churches to being Spiritual hospitals for the broken, confused, disturbed and hopeless