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Old 07-10-2006, 06:30 AM   #14
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John Galt wrote
I think its more reasonable to say that there was a flood of narrower scope that destroyed a single village. That the survivors caried on the story of it but kept exagerating it. And that the whole thing eventually got twisted around and found its way into Hebrew mythology. Why would they invent a whole bogus account of a flood based on a few sea-shells? The people who wrote the bible weren't scientiests after all. I call into question their deductive capabilities.
I'm of the school of thought that people 2 or 3 thousand years ago were just as capable of deductive reasoning as we are today, and that they just had a smaller base of knowledge to draw from. And true, if this just were "a few sea-shells", than yes they may not have paid attention. But it's not; it's an entire layer of sedimentary rock, full of sea fossils, that would be exposed as massive outcroppings, occuring at nonsensical altitudes.

I really don't think that ancient people were too stupid to realize that sea-shells aren't usually on top of a mountain.
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